Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Finally got a PhD, moving on to PostDoc: 2016 Here I come

Hi all,

Finally got a PhD in December and going for a PostDoc under my supervisor. It was indeed so happy and relieving. We struggle so hard and feel the stress of an impending boom and once you finish your defense and submit your thesis back. There is a fresh breath of air and you feel a lot better in terms of achievement and understanding the purpose of life.

I am continuing my academic saga for a while; before anything else drags me away. I hopefully can get some interesting results next year. Last year was a hell lot of year with hardly any money and mainly subsisting on support both moral and financial from friends and families. This coming year is promising and I hope I can reverse my trends upset by my PhD's low points. We have to dust ourselves up and move forward with a grit and determination to achieve the new heights.

Personally, I think I have a lot to learn in Photonics still. You can try to keep up as much, still the crowd around you keeps moving forward at an unimaginable pace. And one has to ensure to move with the crowd and not get left out. Learning is not enough. But achieving something new is more important.

Therefore, I have to set some personal goals to become better me next year. I hope if I speak them out publicly I will be more accountable. Without ado, here we go :
  1. Get healthy
    1. Get Exercise/Games Regularly  
    2. Reduce my weight by 5 kgs
    3. Get 7 hrs of sleep on time
  2. Plan your work and work the plan
    1. Don't wait for deadlines to fall on your head
    2. Focus on one thing and wait for it to finish. Other things can wait. But finish this very thing and move on.
    3. Write more and send more papers to the press
  3. Get more organized : work/home/life 
    1. Aim for balance
    2. Reduce the extras and declutter : Just the essentials
  4. Learn People skills
    1. Art of delegation :Distributing the workload
    2. Appreciation and motivation
    3. Art of collaboration: Complement your abilities and work in unison to produce value
    4. Present your work better
This would be my wishlist for becoming a better person next year academically and professionally.
Even if I get better in half of these things, I would be more efficient and these habits will boost my confidence. Hope it inspires you as well to formulate your own list. I will try to implement this even before the new year starts and hope to keep a tab on my progress. Observation is the key to the execution of these behaviors before they become habits. Once they become habits, we can sit back and routine will help us to do better subconsciously.
Alrighty then !

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