I am trying few new things like going with friends for basketball. That helps a bit in putting your brain away from the draggy academic life. Then, I am talking to my roommates with whom I interacted very less before. This social bonding helps in de-stressing. You kinda feel that you are in the same soup as others are. Everyone is similar to you and experiences the same cut-throat world as you and there we have a few hurdles before getting even a cup of coffee. This teaches you that life was never easy. Remember the first time you learn the letter A. It was tough and you had to go through the drudgery of writing it again and again that you can instantly recognize an "A" even if it is written in a weird font. PhD teaches me life in many ways. The person to control is my own self and it is very difficult in many ways. Self-management at a completely new level is what I need. I will try.
Right now these are the steps I would take to get back to schedule :
- Goals: Get my daily,weekly goals and monthly goals in track and monitor them constantly to keep my direction right.
- Priorities: Get my priorities for different tasks and do them accordingly after assigning them adequate hours.
- Finish Tasks and Move Forward: Each task needs to be finished and gives a feeling of satisfaction that it has been complete once for all. This feeling will help me know how much I have actually finished.
- Write Something everyday : Writing some sections of thesis everyday will help me focus and finish the thesis some fine day. Basically we need to understand that the greater task is the repeated sum of the smaller tasks. So keep writing small and manageable portions and finish it. Helps you finish something in the long run.
- Make one Figure everyday: Keep drawing different schematics and figures everyday : maybe one at a time or if you feel more creative, draw more. These will be needed in your thesis and drawing them takes a little bit of stress out as its a bit different from what you have been doing everyday.
- Finish Analysis as you go : Keep doing experimental data analysis as you get the data or else you lose track of how you gathered the data ,conditions and what could have gone wrong. This will also help me define the new directions as I go further.
I think these things are what I can start of with and maybe add more as I keep going through this last pacy semester of my PhD. Let's see how well I measure up to my own steps to salvation.
jia you. it is really encouraging to read the words you write here. move forward and enter the dragon.